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25mm Painting Charges (GBP )
* To and From freight charges have to be borne by the customer.
Foot Figure   Cavalry
( 1.00 GBP)   (2.00 GBP)
« What is collector quality and how we paint it »    
Camo Uniforms   Foot figure with Kilt
( 1.42 GBP)   (1.78 GBP upwards)
Riders   Elephant
( 1.00 GBP)   (3.45 GBP)
Foot with Design shields

«Click to Charges for Painting shields »



(0.65 GBP- upwards )
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Foot with Liverly Designs

(2.00 GBP)


Samurai figures

Click to See More Samurai Figures

Only Samurai Figures
(1.78 GBP)

Samurai Figures with Horse
(2.78 GBP)


Horse with Liverly

(2.50 GBP upwards)


Horse with designs

(1.78 GBP upwards)



(2.60 GBP)



(1.00 GBP)


Character figure & one of a Kind Figure

Click to See More Character Figures

What is a One of a Kind Figure..?

If your instruction/sample applies to one figure, they are considered one of a kind figure.

Only character figure
(1.95 GBP upwards)

Character figure with horse
(2.95 GBP upwards)



(2.60 GBP- upwards )

- Spears -

* Drilling holes in figures to attach spears and assembling               
(spears to be supplied by you)

(0.06 GBP- per figure )

* Drilling holes in figures to attach spears and assembling               
(spears to be supplied by us)

(0.12 GBP- per figure )

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