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25mm Painting Charges ( US $ )
* To and From freight charges have to be borne by the customer.
Foot Figure   Cavalry
( 1.65 US $)   (3.30 US $)
« What is collector quality and how we paint it »    
Camo Uniforms   Foot figure with Kilt
( 2.20 US $)   (2.75 US $ upwards)
Riders   Elephant
( 1.65 US $)   (5.00 US $)
Foot with Design shields

«Click to Charges for Painting shields »



(1.00 US $- upwards )
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Foot with Liverly Designs

(3.30 US $)


Samurai figures

Click to See More Samurai Figures

Only Samurai Figures
( 2.75 US $ )

Samurai Figures with Horse
(4.40 US $)


Horse with Liverly

(3.85 US $ upwards)


Horse with designs

( 2.75 US $ upwards)



(4.00 US $)



(1.65 US $)


Character figure & one of a Kind Figure

Click to See More Character Figures

What is a One of a Kind Figure..?

If your instruction/sample applies to one figure, they are considered one of a kind figure.

Only character figure
( 3.00 US $ upwards)

Character figure with horse
(4.65 US $ upwards)



(4.00 US $- upwards )

- Spears -

* Drilling holes in figures to attach spears and assembling               
(spears to be supplied by you)

( 0.10 US $ - per figure )

* Drilling holes in figures to attach spears and assembling               
(spears to be supplied by us)

( 0.20 US $- per figure )

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